
Just got Charlie’s papers in the mail! Here are a few pictures of him… we are obsessed 🙂
He’s such a sweetheart. I brought him to my classroom and he met 75 8 and 8 year olds and was so calm and gentle with them. He’s a super quick learner too!

I hope you and your family are well. Ellie is just about 6 months old so we wanted to send you an update on our girl, who quickly became our best friend.She’s a huge lovebug, always wanting to be with us and often wanting to be on or against us in some way. She is very social as well and wants everyone she meets to be her best friend. She’s fairly energetic and could play fetch all day, but seems to have more and more moments of peace the older she’s getting. She’s incredibly intelligent and eager to learn everything and anything we teach her.
We could go on all day about her, and more and more each day we are so happy that we chose a knowledgeable, dedicated breeder to get our favorite pup from. We’ve recommended Chinook widely and would happily get a sibling for Ellie from you in the future!

Joule is doing well and growing like a weed, she lost a good number of her teeth last week and they are already growing in. She’s quite the handful and always loves to play during all hours of the day, especially now that both Sarah and I are working from home.

Just wanted to let you know that we are safely home in Victoria. Piper is wonderful. Perfect combo of sweet and spunky. She travelled like a pro. She’s now asleep in her crate after a romp around on the grass in our yard. Here are some of her adventures so far.

Friends of ours are looking into a new puppy – of course we recommended they go to you – and it reminded me that we haven’t sent an update in a while. With everyone being stuck at home right now, Ozzy is in heaven! He is getting many walks and lots of extra attention. We recently added two kittens to our family and Ozzy took to them a true big brother – mostly ignoring them and tolerantly putting up with their shenanigans. LOL! At 3 years old, Ozzy continues to be a kind, well-behaved, loving dog. And a beloved member of our family!We hope this finds you all well and healthy!

Sophie and Bella had the first trip outside today, and OMG how cute they are together.

She’s so wonderful….we love her so much.

We wanted to send you this picture of Bentley, the little girl we brought home in December from Autumn’s litter. She is absolutely our hearts. And though she sometimes forgets that they are not chew toys she enjoys playing with our two cats and they have been getting along better than we ever expected. She is working her way to being a pro frisbee and ball catcher. She loves playing outside in the snow on warm days and going for adventures on our walks. She is such a smart little girl – very fast to pick up everything that we are learning in puppy class, as well as everything we are teaching her on the side. Hope that this finds you and your family healthy during this time. If you would like me to send you a picture of our little girl when she reaches her full height and frame please let me know.

We hope your 2019 has started off great. We are enjoying every day with Poppy. She has grown quite quickly and has started to really develop into a superb dog. Thank you again for breading such a terrific dog. She has been an incredible addition to our family. Please find below some pictures of her from the last 8 months.….We thought it was time to give you a quick update on Poppy. She is truly a special dog and a cornerstone of our family. She is smart, gentle and playful. She absolutely loves playing off leash at the park and the family cabin. We are looking forward to getting her on some hikes this summer and out to swim in the lake. I have been around dogs my entire life with this being my first Golden and I don’t think I would ever stray from this breed. Poppy’s friendly disposition and terrific attention to our training and commands are amazing.
Thanks again for breeding an amazing dog/companion.
Mac is now 13 months old and has been neutered.
He’s an excellent companion at home and at work.
Since the day we came home he comes to all my shifts at the mental health hospital here in North Battleford SK. He loves the patients and they love him. He is apart of their family and has been hugged (or squeezed) more times then I can count by upset patients, cheering them up almost instantly. He takes it like a champ.
He greets everyone like they are his long-lost friend and can never wait to show them all the things he thinks are cool (I.e. what ever shoe or toy is closest for him to pick up)
Once he is 18 months, I’m going to register him for therapy dog training and certification.
Thanks for the best friend.

Steve and Adam went to Ghost Lake on Family Day. Henry was sooo good. Was off leash the entire time and stuck close to everyone…and obviously everyone loved him.

Just a little hello from Radium Hot Springs! Goldie is over six months old now and such a lovely dog. We have enrolled her in some obedience classes in April and look forward to eliminating some of those bad habits (pulling on a leash, jumping, and barking). We hope that the “chewing phase” is almost done – our daughter has lost many toys to Goldie, ha ha ha.

Just thought I’d let you know how Oakley is doing! We’re closing in on our first set of training/socialization classes and he’s done very well! He’s enrolled in puppy preschool now for 6 weeks and he can’t wait to go every morning. He loves people and dogs and seems to handle new environments very well. He’s very bright and learns so quickly! He’s even figured out how to open the back door and let himself in from the yard haha! He’s a big boy already at almost 30 pounds, is learning how to adapt his play to a shy older dog and he and Daisy are getting on well. The first picture was his first day at puppy preschool this week.

Just a note to say Cody is an absolutely wonderful dog and doing really well 🙂

My husband and I wish to thank you for raising the best temperament dogs.Last week we had the unfortunate pleasure of being admitted to the hospital for our son Ethan.
We had to be there for 3 days. Well of course we had to let our fur babies out and make sure they were all good, so my husband was coming home to check on them.
Will Lucy would search everywhere for Ethan. And of course, Ethan was in tears in the hospital as he wanted his dog. And was begging for the Dr to let her in. Well the Dr gave us an over night pass and let us go home for the one night.
This is when we saw the true bond Ethan and Lucy have. She was all over him and never let him out of her sight all night. She slept beside him all night and the next morning took his coat away as he was getting ready to go back for the day. When we got home that night at midnight it was the same thing all over.
Thank you so much for our even-tempered girl, she is amazing

Cooper is growing up too fast. He met Santa!

I just wanted to give you a 6-month update on our puppy, Ned (hunter green, born July 3, 2019 from Canyon and George). The first 6 weeks were a stressful time, but we made it work out. Puppy classes went well and he’s learning basic commands and his recall is getting better every day. He’s very good off leash at the dog park and out at the cabin and he LOVES the snow. Not as much as he loves his food though. He’s tipping the scale at nearly 60 pounds currently.
He brings so much joy to our lives. Not only my wife and I, but our extended family and friends. He’s such a people pleaser and is always seeking human affection. He’s usually more involved with getting pet by complete strangers at the dog park than trying to run around with the other dogs.
We are incredibly thankful that it worked out that we could get a puppy when we did. It’s incredibly rewarding being a dog owner, especially to an amazing golden retriever.
I’ve attached a few pictures of Ned. I think he looks a lot like Canyon.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to be a dog owner.

Just wanted to show you a recent photo of our Timber. We love him SO much.

Just a quick update to let you know that Skye has settled into her new home very quickly. She is getting lots of nice walks and enjoys all the great sniffs in the back yard. As can be seen in the photograph her favourite spot is amongst the rubber boots.She rarely has an accident in the house and sleeps through the night very well, although is an early riser.
I trust this email finds you well and that your Christmas was joyous. Thanks again for pairing us with a delightful puppy!

Thought you would like a picture and update on how our girl Lucy is doing.We love her to bits and she is just gorgeous! Our house would not be the same without her in it. She is our everything and Sierra’s best friend, our old girl Heidi even plays at times with her.
The cold, well can’t blame her she hates the freezing cold. I bought her a jacket pretty fast. But the days we had -43 there was no walks happening on those days! Lucy loves running in bush and has good recall (the smart as a whip side).
I added a picture of her and our others with Santa paws and the grinch. It was a fundraiser for the SPCA.

Theo is so loved. He is not without his challenges, biting/nipping, sone in house accidents, and so much energy!!😄. He has learned Sit and we are working on “off”, “leave it”, “stay”, and “no bite”. He naps in his kennel and sleeps mostly through the night in his kennel as well! The vet has given him his second set of shots and says he is healthy and happy. He is getting used to his harness and leash and going for little walks. He is getting bigger by the day!

We have named the pup Rosie NovaShe has been great and already learnt to leave slippers down and leave the tree alone. She is a quick learner. She loves to be held and sit on our laps on the floor.

George slept through the night in his crate with no issues. He learns routines very quickly and is fun to have around. Morning nap time!Thank you very much for your dedication to your golden puppies!

His favourite toy. Love this picture.

Just a note to let you know that everything is going really well!We are in love with our pup. His name is now officially “Cody Q”. I think you needed the name to register?
He is doing really well with house training and he is almost sleeping through the night without much fuss. He has a fair bit of separation anxiety, but doing better now after the first week. The thing is I am around a lot, so he is used to getting used to the company! He also attended two puppy “parties” run by our local SPCA and vet clinic this week. He loved it. Very confident and playful. He is also easily eating ½ cup of food three times a day. Not sure when to up that…but I will ask our vet.

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that Scout is doing fantastic! Thank you for choosing her for our family! She is absolutely the perfect fit! She is such a smart dog and a fun little personality. We are absolutely besotted with her!

Wanted to catch you up with our girl Finleigh (Canyon & George) and her adventures. She has had all her shots and received a clear bill of health from our vet, has just passed Puppy School (Beginner Level), and is growing like a weed. She still has her beautiful red fur (which is just beginning to feather) and very long legs that never seem to stop moving! She loves her humans and shows us every day how very intelligent she is. Here are a few pics of her since her time with us.

Just wanted to send a quick email to thank you again for our amazing puppy and to send some pictures to show how fast he is growing!Jerry is the perfect fit for our family; better than we ever could have expected! He is the friendliest and cuddliest dog I have ever met! He loves everyone he meets and is often more interested in meeting people than their dogs. We can’t go anywhere anymore without meeting someone new! Everyone is so attracted to our adorable and social little guy!
He potty trained quickly with very few accidents and started sleeping through the night right away. We’ve truly been blessed by how smart and easy going he is! He has learned so quickly.
Here are some pictures, from most recent to oldest, so you can see how fast he has grown!
Thank you so much for our little Jerry! We can’t imagine like without him and we have been recommending you to whoever falls in love with him!

It sure is – she is the perfect pup for our family. She has a lovely temperament and is very smart! We just love her to bits.

I hope you are these days. I thought you might like a picture of the three siblings. Maizey, Steven (formally Ozzy) and Finnigan. Steven has settled in nicely with his family and he plays daily with his siblings. He is very energetic and endearing. He is starting to turn color and soon I will be challenged to know who is who. Katie is a very good mum to him and he is well loved.

She is so amazing and just the joy in our family. Lucy was indeed the missing link. As Sierra and her are the best of pals. Heidi has even tolerated Lucy and they sleep together during the day. It is really cute.
Thank you so much for breeding these amazing dogs and really picking the prefect baby for our family.

I thought I would send along a picture from this morning’s walk. Gus is amazing and doing so well. He had his 14-week shots this week and weighed in at 18.8 lbs. He has had many playdates with his sister/littermate Lucy and his older brother Oscar has come around and they play together now all the time. He’s such a great little guy! Hope you all are doing well.

No comments…

Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Loki is doing extremely well. He’s having no problems sleeping through the nights in his kennel, and although there have been a couple accidents indoors, he’s getting comfortable with going outside and using his “spot.” He’s responding well to clicker training and is learning his name quickly. He loves playing with his toys and is super interactive until he just decides he wants to do his own thing and takes his toy away and lies down to play on his own. As you can see in the picture, sometimes he likes to pile many of his toys together with him so he can choose something else without moving far. He’s great at fetching and will run, pick up and bring back toys for 10-15 minutes or more until he gets tired or bored. He also loves chewing on people’s toes, but fortunately is easily redirected with any toy at hand.
We’ve started getting him used to the three scents used for competition detection work by placing them beneath his food dish so that he associates those scents with a reward.
We are thrilled with our newest family member and look forward to a long, loving and interactive relationship with him. We will keep you updated on his progress and send loads of pictures and stories.
Thank you again for allowing us this opportunity

Lucy is doing great. This was a picture we had taken last Sunday of our fur babies. Lucy and Sierra are best friends and are playing all the time the are awake.
She did very good at her vet appointment for her boosters and weighed in at 11.4 lbs.

I was out today and a lady stops me and says you got your puppy in Calgary and it’s a Golden retriever, right? I said yes, we got her from a really great breeder called Chinook Goldens.
All of a sudden, she was taking a picture of Lucy and sending it to her friend here. What a small world in the way that the fried (Cathy) is the mom to Gus, Lucy brother. They got him last week on the 26.
We just spent the last hour with the babies playing with each other. And they are literally around the corner and down 3 blocks from my house.

Just wanted to send along a picture and thank you for our lovely Gus. He is slowly being tolerated ore and more by his big brother Oscar. He’s doing great and being loved like crazy by everyone. He’s super social and learning more every day. He’s sleeping well in his crate and exploring all day long. He’s working really hard at getting Oscar to love him!!

My family got a puppy from you back in December (Kimmy). We would like to quickly update you on her and may be send some pictures.Those months have been very fun having her around and seeing her grow. There were some stressful and tough moments along the road but overall things (thankfully) went well. The boys are growing older and more responsible as well as they tend to interact as big brothers to her. Even my 5 year old is doing great. He always pretend to be her personal trainer..:) She loves them alot too.
Luckily i am still home fulltime so i have all morning and afternoon doing things with her either outside or in the backyard. I cannot tell how good tempered this dog is turning out to be. She is very playful yet obedient and a good listener. She is super smart too and super super cute. I am not sure if you would welcome us paying you a visit over any coming weekend (if weather permits) so you can meet her again and see how much she has grown and how good of a dog she turned out to.