Here’s our Golden Family!
Please go to and type in the name of any of our dogs to get a complete health and genetic report.
Please be introduced…

GJ’s Chica Bonita! CKC Reg. No: HU4034063 DOB: 30-Oct-2020
Chica Bonita is Spanish for “Pretty Girl” which is the perfect name for our little lady. She was carefully chosen from our favorite, Rhoda Bree’s, litter. She passed all her genetic tests and is considered genetically clear. She is petite, beautifully dark and athletic. She is a quick learner and wants to please. Her key trait would be connection. On the trail she has good energy which she expends in quick bursts and then returns to her favorite position which is right behind or beside me. She has this little excited whistle so I can always tell when she is behind me. Chica is about 55lbs. (As seen in the picture, she has this little grimace she makes when she is intent on something).
Goldwing’s Phoenix Boy: CKC Reg. NO. FD-GY4034064 / DOB: 23-Dec-2019. Phoenix Boy, or ‘Nix, as we usually call this handsome guy has just what we desire in our goldens. You can see the intelligence in the shine of his dark eyes. He comes from excellent pedigrees. If you look on K9data you will see that his father, Goodngold’s Toss Up, held the records for Canada’s championship hunt and obedience trials. He has energy but keeps it very controlled. ‘Nix is my working buddy. He is great with the seniors and anyone else who will accept his friendship. He is exceptionally calm for a young male dog and yet is all boy when we are out in the field. ‘Nix simply is the epitome of what a golden retriever should be. …Well, he does have one fault. Like any brother, he likes to pick on his sister for some reason. We are very excited about adding his bloodlines to our team. ‘Nix is clear in his genetics. You can view the details under K9data. He has eye and heart certification through OFA and also hip and elbows preliminaries done by OFA which were graded as good. So, he’s off to a great start!

Goldwing’s Got A Journey On My Mind: CKC Reg. No FD-GY4034065 DOB: 23-Dec-2019. Journey, as we call her, has the perfect golden retriever temperament. She is darkest of my dogs and has such beautiful intelligent, almost questioning eyes. You just cannot resist her! Her outstanding point is her temperament. She is so gentle and the calmest retriever I have seen, and yet has plenty of stamina and energy for the field. I plan to use her for therapy purposes because she is so patient and connected. On the other hand she would make an excellent hunting dog due to her keenness and drive. She is just a very special dog… She shares the same outstanding pedigree as her brother Phoenix as you will see if you look her up on K9data. She did great on her health clearances and genetic testings.
Indi (GJ’s Indian Summer Days) CKC Reg. No: JL4104856/ DOB: 21-June-2024. Indi is our smallest little girl. She barely tips the scale at 50lbs. She is a very social, quiet little golden. Indi is athletic and loves the outdoors. On our runs out in the hills she loves to race off some of her energy and then she settles down to a trot behind me. She has all her certifications- eyes, heart, hips and elbows, which you can see on the K9data website. Indi was born in our kennels and is the daughter of Guy William and Rhoda Bree.