
Whiskey has been an absolute wonderful addition to our family. Gets along well with both of our cats and our neighbours cat who likes to come and ‘visit’ her in the yard. She is very smart (maybe too smart LOL) . Loves retrieving at the park and has extremely good dog manners when greeting other dogs on or off the leash. We have finally been able to do loose leash walk on a consistent basis with no pulling or lunging – all of a sudden it seemed to make sense to her. She stops and and sits at all curbs, and I am trying to teach her to check for cars! The loose leash walking was a real challenge for her mostly due to her excitement. She has finished her heat and we will spay her the end of January 2019. I have attached a video of her retrieving in the park across the street from us – she LOVES to run and run.Again thank you for allowing us to have her in our life.

Murphy is now 4.5 months old and it has been almost 3 months since we brought him home. Kevin and I could not be happier with him. He brings us joy and happiness every day, and has certainly helped turn us into a little family.The first couple weeks we suffered through some growing pains. Kevin and I had to get used to having a dog, and Murphy had to get used to his new surroundings. He was a little confused for a day or two and then became quite comfortable in the house, and around us. From day one we started kennel training him, and he took to that very well. House training went better than expected it only took about 3 weeks and he only had a few accidents in the house-mostly due to our poor timing. As our front door is down a huge flight of stairs and Murphy did not like the stairs much in the beginning we bell trained him. Whenever he has to go to the bathroom he rings a bell which has been hugely successful for all of us. The first couple nights we had less than optimal sleep, but for the most part he has been a good sleeper, going to bed at 9 and waking between 6:30-7:30 in the morning.
Murphy loves going to the vet, I mean he gets lots of treats, yummy smells and for some reason they always have to pull out the mop-which he loves to chase. He has all his vaccinations, and they all love him. Currently we have a clean bill of health, no issues. After Murphy’s second round of vaccinations we enrolled him into a puppy socialisation class. It was quite obvious from the beginning that Murphy is definitely an alpha dog. He did very well meeting other puppies and dogs, and loves playing with them.
Murphy started going to work with Kevin within 2 weeks of bringing him home. He absolutely loves going into work. He has a big hanger that he can run around in, which really helps when the weather is quite cold. We play fetch all the time, and he loves all the attention he gets from other co-workers. He also gets the chance to be around other dogs which he loves.
Murphy has been to lots of places in the past few months. He has been to Lake Louis, Banff, and Canmore. He loves walking down the strip in Canmore getting all the attention from people passing by. There is also a great off leash Dog Park we take him to where he can run through the woods. He has made some friends at some of the off leash dog parks in Airdrie. He loves running after his ball and it is always a struggle trying to get him to leave.
Murphy has been an absolute treat. We are so happy and so in love with him. He is insanely smart and picks up on the things we teach him within a couple tries. Unfortunately he is also very stubborn and some days we have a “battle of the wills”. He has been enrolled into obedience class starting this coming Monday. We are sure Murphy will do great in these classes, and they will be good for us as well.

Beau is doing great and has become such a wonderful part of our little family. He is super busy and loves playing with Fynn, as well as ripping apart his toys/stuffies 😉 He’s such an affectionate, happy dog, and loves giving “hugs”.We go for walks a couple times per week and the dogs also visit an off leash acreage twice per week which they love. Beau gets to socialize and run free for about 3 hours each visit 😊
He’s doing very well and we’re so happy he’s part of our family.
Just wanted to thank you again 😊

Looks a lot like his Dad.

Brady is growing EVERY DAY! From his paws to his tail he really is sprouting and has a very keen interest in peanut butter, blueberries and leaves on the ground. He loves retrieving the ball and playing in the snow. He comes when he is called – most of the time – and sits when we ask. For 12 weeks old he is doing AMAZING! We are so happy to have him in our family. We just recently got engaged and Brady was a part of the whole process. Although he was chilly he was a great addition to our photos on an amazing day. He is going through a lot more food now and really likes walking. He’s been one of the top performers in his puppy class and actually likes going to the vet! Brady is such a great pup and we are so excited to have him and watch him grow even more. More photos to come!

Video of Buster this morning , having a snooze on my lap. Just wanted to show how calm and trusting he is when I rub his paws, flip his ears or pull up his lip.He is getting smarter by the second learning and figuring out everything.
Great dog! He also hums and sings so softly, when he falls into his REM sleep on my lap. Just love this guy!

Here are some photos of Ranger settling in to his new home! He is doing well and we’ve gotten several comments, including from the vet, on how even tempered and calm he is. He is the perfect pup for our family and he seems to like it here too! He has a lot of chew toys and he’s getting tons of liver treats for doing his business outside. He’s been great with the kids and he’s learning fast.

This month sure has flown by with Archer. He is absolutely incredible and brought nothing but joy to this family. He loves going on adventures and exploring new things and sure is smart. Already house trained, has no issues in the kennel at night time and is already understanding the concept of fetch. Training him the sit, stay and laydown was only a few quick sessions and he caught on no problem. Recently I have begun working with Archer and getting the very basics of teaching him how to retrieve waterfowl. Its a working progress but after only a week or so we are seeing signs of him learning and understanding the concept. His little personality is starting to show and its awesome seeing him take in the world around him. He absolutely loves going for walks and all the pets he gets from others walking. I will keep on sending you guys updates on Archer.

Well, i know, it’s been a while since we last spoke regarding Ollie and trying him on the raw food, etc…Well, I am so happy to tell you that it worked famously!!! He has gained weight, looks fantastic and his poops are normal!!Ollie is such a beautiful dog! He is so attached to us and LOVES to go anywhere and everywhere with us and is the ultimate lap dog!!! He’s exactly what we had hoped for and more!!
Hope you and your dogs are are all doing well and wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Stella couldn’t be doing any better. She loves to cuddle, loves running and loves to shred toys. She is 57 lbs and is still as beautiful as ever. Here are the pictures of when I brought her home to how she looks now.

Cody is now almost a year and a half old and we love him more with every passing day. He is quite a character… Full of energy, curiosity, enthusiasm and affection. We get stopped on the street often by people who admire his good looks and gorgeous colouring. We’ve told lots of people about Chinook Goldens and your unique line of breeding!Cody was also the “Dog of Honour” at our wedding this past February. We forewent a traditional bridal party, and Cody stepped in, bowtie and all, to make our day truly ours!
He loves playing fetch (it’s impressive how good he is at it, and man is he fast), meeting new friends everywhere we go, hanging out with his best friend Hunter, another golden in our building, and his new cousin Milli, my brother-in-law’s golden, going for boat rides and car rides, swimming in the ocean, rolling in mud, morning runs on the seawall, and lazy Saturday mornings in bed. As the doggie daycare manager described him… “Cody is 80% play, 20% obedient.”
Cody is the picture of good health, and has grown into quite an athlete. He has completed two levels of obedience training and starts a beginner agility class tomorrow, which we believe he will quickly be at the top of the class of!
Attaching some recent photos for you to enjoy!
Oh, and he is still intact. He is so active that we wanted to give him the best chance to grow strong, and he hasn’t exhibited any troubling behaviours. He is at a daycare while we are at work that welcomes intact males (the only one!) and he has had a very healthy social upbringing because of it. We have been in consultation with our vet and decided to wait until he is 2 years old before we revisit neutering him.
Thank you again for bringing our beautiful boy into the world!
We wanted to send along a few photos and an update on Harvey’s first week at home. Harvey did incredibly well at the airport and on the flight to Vancouver — he was the center of attention in the security line-up and he slept the entire flight, we could hardly believe it!He seems to be settling in quite well. He cried a bit the first few nights but by the third night he was sleeping mostly all the way through the night. He is also doing a good job at potty training, I’d say he goes in his spot about 65% of the time, which is more than we expected for the just first week. He has also taking a liking to the clicker, he’s learned “sit” already and he’s working on “down”.
When he’s hyper he is a real handful – he loves to explore and tries to chew just about everything. We’re working on getting him used to spending time alone in his playpen, both while we’re home and away. He barks and yelps for a minute or two after we put him in the pen, but usually settles down shortly after we leave. We’re hoping he will get more comfortable with being kept in his pen for a few hours at a time – do you have any tips?
Overall we couldn’t be happier with Harvey – we feel like we got just the right pup for us, and we’re very excited to watch him grow up.

Just wanted to give you and update on these two siblings. They are so much fun and keep me very fit! Two is definitely better than one. They live each other immensely and hate to he separated. Glad we got Mazey her bro.

We are so in love with tomo! Can’t count how many times a day the kids so she is the sweetest, cutest, most smart puppy ever! Lol. She has made our life fuller, didn’t realize what we were missing until we added her:)
This is Fatima. My family got a puppy from you back in December (Kimmy). We would like to quickly update you on her and may be send some pictures.Those months have been very fun having her around and seeing her grow. There were some stressful and tough moments along the road but overall things (thankfully) went well. The boys are growing older and more responsible as well as they tend to interact as big brothers to her. Even my 5 year old is doing great. He always pretend to be her personal trainer..:) She loves them
alot too.Luckily i am still home fulltime so i have all morning and afternoon doing things with her either outside or in the backyard. I cannot tell how good tempered this dog is turning out to be. She is very playful yet obedient and a good listener. She is super smart too and super super cute.
I am not sure if you would welcome us paying you a visit over any coming weekend (if weather permits) so you can meet her again and see how much she has grown and how good of a dog she turned out to be. Let me know.

Watching the neighbour rake
She loves the car rides

Poppy is doing fantastic! We have learned “sit”, “lay down” and “come” which is a bit of a work in progress. She loves playing in the backyard, belly rubs (as per the picture below) and has really taken to playing with my parents dog.Today we are going to get our second round of vaccinations. Which will allow us to sign up for puppy training classes set to start early in August.
We just want to thank you for raising such a terrific pup, we couldn’t be happier!
I wanted to thank you so much for Cody, a puppy from Guy William and Aria’s litter. When I spoke to you about the personality I was looking for I wanted one that was very similar to my previous Golden. I asked for an affectionate and social Golden. One that would follow me everywhere and that a people dog. We got exactly what we asked for!! Cody plays with his toys with us on our laps, he brings the toys and lies down on our laps and chews on them until we throw them for him or play tug of war, but is just as happy to chew on the toy as we pet him. He greets my 2 girls every morning with pure and total joy and love. He sits and waits for them to finish coming down the stairs then he is on them kissing and licking with his tail going nonstop. He knows to be more gentle around my 4 year old and doesn’t pull ask hard on the toys or jump on her as much as my 10 year old. He’s learned sit, we are working on stay but it’s close, he can lie down, and working on come. He learned those commands all in the first week. He can fetch and bring backs his toys 90% of the time. He almost has the dog door down and we have had 1 accident in the house in the last week. He is one of the best behaved dogs I have seen. He takes treats from the hand so gentle, has no food aggression with us or my other dog. He knows how to share his toys with other dogs, and is just a happy boy. We could not have asked for a better dog to join our family and I am so thankful every single day we decided to purchase through Chinook Golden’s. He is also such a beautiful boy that people stop all the time to pet him when he goes for walks our out at our trailer.Thank you so much for breeding such amazing puppies!
I have attached a copy of recent pictures of Cody. He is now just over 3 months old.
Thank you!

Kane was born September 10th 2017 and is officially 1 years old. He has been a very fast grower and his personality truly reflects his fathers. We are so thankful that we had the opportunity to get such a wonderful dog to make our family happy. Kane has been chewing everything in sight including my moms new uggs but we love him
so much that we let him have them. He was very easy to potty train with a few accidents in my parents room but he is well on his way to living outdoors in our heated garage with hopefully another brother. We have attached a few pictures to show how fast he has grown and will hope to see you all soon, once again thank you so much for giving us such a lovely dog who has given our family so much love and happiness.
Charlie is doing very well and we could not have asked for a more friendly dog. He is up to do everything he can to please his family (actually, to please everyone he meets!). Although the first weeks with Charlie at home were a big challenge for first-time dog owners like us, Charlie is so smart and eager to learn that he became house and crate trained very early. He is the exact piece that was missing to our family!!! Charlie is turning 1 this December…we are sorry we took so long to write this comment: Janelle and Gideon, thank you so much for choosing Charlie for us and for being so kind and helpful!!

We couldn’t be happier with our little guy he has grown into such a great dog, he loves fetch and gets along so well with our other dog Zoey. We ran into another Will and Rhoda pup at the dog park, we knew right away the were related! I have attached a couple pictures of Gus throughout out the past year!
Here is a recent picture of our Gracie. She is a wonderful dog and has brought so much love and energy to our home. She is almost 7 months now. She loves to play fetch and is very smart. You can clearly see the hunting lines in her as she is constantly tracking birds and other animals when we enjoy our walks. She is healthy and full of live!!! We think she looks so much like her mother!

I wanted to drop you a quick line – this past week marked the one-year anniversary of bringing Niya home! Time goes by so quickly! She has been an incredible addition to our family and not a day goes by that I am not thankful to have her in my life.

I can’t believe Marlo is already 2 years old! She is the absolute light and love of my life. I can’t imagine life without her. She has fully filled out now, weighing in at 78lbs and completely healthy. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to have one of your perfect puppies. Here are a couple photos of her 🙂

With Thanks…

Thanks so much and thanks for breeding such amazing doggies.
She’s the sweetest pup. We just LOVE her so much. Everyone that meets her falls in love with her.

He is such a good boy. He knows how to sit, stay, lay down, shake a paw! He is full of energy and attitude which we absolutely love, he fits in so well with our family and have brought us so much joy. He is sleeping through the night which is just wonderful. Ollie also gets along well with both cats, trying to play with them even though they are having none of it haha
To Whom It May Concern:Please be aware that I and my colleagues at Didsbury Veterinary Services have been the primary care veterinarians for Gideon and Janelle Berniko’s breeding kennel since 2012. We perform physical examinations and vaccinations on all of their breeding animals and puppies. All of their animals are well cared for, have good nutrition and receive proper deworming on a regular basis.
I am very confident in Gideon and Janelle’s ability to raise healthy and quality animals and am happy to give them an excellent recommendation as a breeding kennel. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the Didsbury Vet Clinic.
Yours truly,

Here is the advertisement shot that is mentioned on our home page. It stars Cody, who is Arya and Will’s pup. Here is another shot of him when he’s dried off 🙂

Thought I’d give you a quick update on Cedar. We could not have asked for a better dog. Although he is only just over 3 months old, his calm nature never fails to amaze us. We had our first ‘puppy preschool’ and he was definitely the calmest dog there. Not to mention the smartest, I thought. We go for lots of walks in the forest trails here and his recall is excellent. He runs right to me and sits, waiting for his reward (a pat or a treat). I tried to get some video of it today, but my hands were too full at the time. He greets people in a friendly manner, but does not jump on them, and we’ve made a point right from the beginning of telling people who want to pet him to wait until he sits first before giving him attention. He really is an amazing dog. I can’t wait to see what he’ll be like as an adult. About the only issue we have had with him is that he wakes up very early, around 5 a.m. and barks to be let out of his crate. We’ve tried to let him cry it out for an hour before we get up, but it’s just too much. Last night he was on the bed with me while I was reading and we didn’t put him in his crate. He slept right through without a peep. He has been fully potty trained for about 2 weeks now, so I’d say it only took about 3 weeks.Thank you so much for such a lovely dog. He is exactly what we wanted.

Just wanted to give you an update on Chance. He is just about 14 weeks old now and is growing at a fast pace! He is a sweetheart and very smart. He learns really quick. He is also so handsome. We love him to death and just wanted to say thanks for this amazing dog 🙂 He is an absolute perfect fit in our home.

Hank is the love of our lives and we enjoy every minute with him. He is fully house trained and loves sleeping through the night in his crate. He is a big fan of running around in his backyard and even got to spend a couple days on the farm this past weekend doing some true exploring. He has been picking up on a number of commands such as sit, stay, down and has even learned how to properly play fetch.Hank had his second round of shots yesterday at the Rocky Ridge Veterinary Hospital where he will continue to go for all of his check ups. He is in perfect health and currently weighs 7kg. As for his hernia, the vet told us that it should be fine and we will be able to do the procedure when he goes in to be neutered, as you had mentioned when we picked him up.
A quick update on how Cedar is doing. He is one smart little boy! Very quickly has the sit, down, and almost stay. And we’ve noticed he has an incredible sense of smell, often sniffing out where we have put things that he wants such as cat food, turkey, etc. We’re going to start playing ‘scent games’ with him soon. He comes immediately when called and then sits quietly in front of us, it’s amazing really. Last week he did a lot of chewing of hands, pant legs, etc. but the last few days hardly at all. Potty training is going ok, and we’ve had a couple of really good days, after a couple of really bad days when our timing was obviously way off. He is great with the little kids and love the attention and snuggles from them. He is growing like a week, gaining 2 lb. a week it seems.He is becoming braver when venturing down to the barn yard and is no longer afraid of the horses, ignoring them for the most part. The chickens are a different story, and he trots after them but so far not really chasing them. He responds well when redirected.
We are very happy with this little guy and love how affectionate he is with us.

I thought you may want to know how my little puppy is faring in Edmonton. Leon (formerly Lyndon) was born Sept. 10 to Guy William X Autumn Gold. This weekend was his 6 month anniversary and he is a treasure! So handsome and smart! He gets many compliments. He was easy to house train. I think he
could have been a sniffer dog because he has a very good nose, is persistent and energetic. I asked for a ‘quiet one’ but Leon is not. Yet. I think his nature is quite wary, reactive, quick to fight or flight, he plays quite rough. He definitely loves his off leash exercise in the river valley. He gets super excited with other dogs and people. We are at puppy school now to learn and socialize.

What a crazy couple months it has been. The first week we had Apollo was, arguably, one of the toughest weeks of our lives — I thought grad school as hard… until I got Apollo! Being our first genuine puppy, it was a big learning curve for Sean and myself to adjust too but well worth it!At almost 4 months Apollo is such a joy. He is everything we wanted from a dog – loyal, sweet, and adventurous. I could be having a terrible day and then I get home to Apollo and everything that weighed me down just goes away. He has captured our hearts fully and our lives are better with him. We love him so much we miss him when we put him to bed at night!
A bit about him, Apollo loves walks and he has been out to the mountains numerous times and our local provincial park daily. He has met lots of different dogs and is very playful – but definitely an alpha male! He can also sit, stay, come, lay down, shake a paw, and high five (to name a few). He is a quick learner and very attentive to specific words and phrases we use with him.
Also, that pudgy little puppy we picked up is no more! Apollo is now a healthy and lean 30 pounds and is a very attractive dog (or so everybody who meets him says so!).
Thank you so much for bringing Apollo into our lives. He is so loved and cared for, he makes our little family feel whole.

Just an update on Hunter. What a smart dog. It amazes me what he has learned already and he is only shy of 13 weeks old. Some things I go to teach him it seems like he already knows it. Like shake a paw. He instinctively gave me his paw and had the training down pat within a few moments. I have him entered in Basic Training on July 19th but he already knows everything they are going to teach. We will still start with Basic though in case I have missed something he needs to know.We get a lot of compliments on Hunter. People love his personality and how beautiful he is.

Just a quick check in to thank you so much for breeding such an incredible puppy for us. Cody has been a dream and such a source of joy for us! He has recently graduated puppy obedience, is growing like a weed, and was also cast in a advertisement photo shoot! I will send links once it is published, he’s a little star!Couple of recent photos attached, we recently purchased a new camera and I am having lots of fun taking pictures of the handsome boy!

Clyde was one of William and Autumns puppies born last year on June 13th (celebrating his bday a day early )He is so loved and can’t imagine life without him.

Just an update on Piper, she is growing fast and provides us with so much joy. She loves swimming for sticks in the river and meeting new friends at the dog park. She lives a charmed life and she is loved.

I wanted to send you a quick email to let you know how great Sofie is doing. Our other dog Sadie is in love with her and they are best friends although we note Sofie is the dominant one already. She also travelled so well with us and we are so happy with her. she is a great addition to our family.Thanks so much and in particular thank you for giving us some dog food for our travels. Not sure what I was thinking not getting our own but it was certainly appreciated.
You may get requests from other yellowknifers as she is a big hit when we take them for walks.

Kona is doing great and growing like a weed. She LOVES Daisy and follows her everywhere. They have become good pals and play constantly, which gives us a break from puppyhood because, wow, she has a ton of energy and is fearless!!! She isn’t quite potty trained yet and still has pee accidents in the house, but she is learning. J She is pretty much crate trained, as she sleeps through the night without a peep or accident, but has quite the set of lungs on her to let us know it is breakfast time. Ha ha! Kona is very sweet and we are so thrilled that Daisy and her get along so well, as that was big worry for us. It is a good thing she is so darn cute because puppyhood is exhausting! I attached some pics of Daisy and Kona.

Well it’s been three months since we picked up Scout, I thought I would let you know how he’s doing.The surprise went great!My sons reaction was everything we hoped it would be.
He’s so smart and sweet. He’s wonderful and gentle with both my boys and he’s become a treasured part of the family. He’s fully house trained now, and up to date on all his vaccines.
I can’t believe how smart he is. He listens very well and is always by our side. You just have to snap your fingers and he’s there. And I’ve never seen a dog take a bath so well! He even likes being brushed, getting his nails trimmed and getting blow dried.He doesn’t even bark. He loves everyone, almost too much. Haha! If he’s going to sit, he insists on sitting as close to us as possible, mostly right on our feet!
We get compliments on him all the time, when people stop by, when we take him for walks, when people see his pictures. Now everyone I know who’s looking for a dog wants to go through you guys!
The vets were very impressed with Scout, and when I told them about you guys, they love how you run things. Too much they see dogs health deteriorate and unwanted puppies due to bad breeders. They have told me that it’s a relief to see and hear how a breeder should be. The TLC food has been great as well, delivering on time and keeping Scout healthy.
Thank you guys very much, we couldn’t be happier!

We wanted to share how Hunter has settled in. He cried a little as we left but settled down and slept quietly on the hour trip home. We had a ball and he was playful. We not believe that a 7 week old puppy would retrieve let alone bring it back to our hand. He is so calm and loves to cuddle. With the aid of our 8 year old Grandson he mastered climbing the stairs up to our deck today. We are so happy with our bundle of joy and wanted to say Thank You. We will keep you posted on his progress. Hope you enjoy the video attached.

We just wanted to thank you so much again for being so accommodating with our pick up date mistake. You handled it so well, you were a wonderful example of understanding to us! Leia’s trip home to Sherwood Park went so smoothly, we couldn’t believe it. She slept the whole way and when we stopped for a potty break, she actually went. She didn’t cry or whine in the car at all.Our golden Izzy, has taken to her very well, and before long, I’m sure they will be great company for each other. We are very much enjoying Leia’s puppy antics and personality. She is such a sweet pup. Thank you for teaching us the “no bite” command. We notice a difference when we consistently say it and we’re sure it will help us in the future during those teething months!
Thank you so much again,

Our Simba is 2 year old – no health problem at all! He eats like crazy but because he gets plenty of vegetables and walks with us a plenty – he is on a skinny side.Very good, very gentle dog but of course – like all goldens – “bozo”!

Just a quick note to let you know that Cash is doing great! Very smart and willing to learn. He has changed so much all ready. Loves going for long walks. He hasn’t had an accident in the house for 4 days! We are very proud of him.Thanks for an awesome pup.

Wanted to send a quick update on Beau. He had his 10 week checkup with our vet on Friday. I was a week late as our vet was away all last week; I booked for this week as I wanted to be consistent and keep all appointments with the same doctor.Beau is doing well. He weighed at 8.1kg/17lbs and did great at his appointment – ‘such a well mannered puppy’ the vet said.
He is polishing off his food still and I am going to feed him 3x per day until 12 weeks then cut back to 2x per day, as Gideon’s notes mention. The vet was wondering if TLC had a large breed formula as she was a little concerned with rapid bone growth. She recommended we have him on a large breed puppy formula and asked me to check with you. I have not seen a large breed formula on the TLC website. I would appreciate any suggestion or information you have on the issue.
Beau has been sleeping through the night for a week now. The house training is getting better. We have installed a doggie door downstairs and he has caught on very quickly to use it when he is downstairs. Still working on him giving us cues when he is upstairs and needs to get outside.
Beau and Fynn are getting along much better. Fynn is quick to put him in line but they play well and it’s great to see, and good for both of them.
Beau will sit and come on command, and is on his very best behaviour if a dog kibble is involved 😉 He is doing really well. Such an affectionate, yet independent puppy. He really is a great fit for our little family 🙂
We just wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying Ozzy! He is a wonderful puppy – full of energy and very loving. His favourite place to be is in the lap of whoever will sit on the floor with him and he is quickly falling in love with long walks! He is sleeping great at night but he is an early riser. And he is slowly figuring out house training. 🙂Thank you so much for sharing him with us. Adopting him was a terrific experience – from our first visit to our last!

All is going well with our Charlie-girl. She likes her crate and is sleeping through the night now. She loves laps, especially our daughters and is really enjoying the snow! We couldn’t be happier with her, and she has fit in easily into our family.

Raleigh (raw-lee) has been growing like a weed – I think he’s over 16lbs already. He’s met the staff at my school and they now stop into my office to see if I’ve brought the dog with me (he’s far more popular than me). I’ve only brought him to work a couple times so far – his next shots are scheduled for next Friday, so I’ll get the go ahead for more public outings from the vet then. Once he’s mastered a few more basic commands then I will slowly start introducing him to kiddos. He’s great with sit, lay down, and fetch…and we’re still working on not having accidents in the house (and he chews on everything, ha ha). I brought him over to a teacher’s house last weekend. She has two little girls and her youngest is three and has Down’s Syndrome. Raleigh was amazingly gentle with her – it completely warmed my heart!

Hope all is well. We would love to send you an update about how Taco is doing as well as feedback on our experiences with Chinook Goldens.Overall, we have no negative feedback. Every experience we had with your business was amazing. Some highlights of this was your overall communication with us, which includes the weekly puppy pictures/updates. We found these updates very useful to keep us informed, and each week we were very eager to hear about the pups. The process of choosing a pup was very smooth as well and your process of pre-choosing two pups worked really well for us. Taco fits very well with us and we love him to bits.
I have attached some pictures of him in his new home. He did not like the recent cold weather so we got a jacket from a friend that kept him warm when we needed to take him out in this cold. He absolutely loves to be around us and meet new people and dogs. He has become very good friends with my parents Golden, Sienna. As you can see in the pictures, his routine is to eat, play, and sleep. This repeats on a 3 hour cycle. He is getting better and better each day with the crate training and sleeps almost all night with one or two pee breaks. We are now able to comfortably leave him for about 2 hours while Charles works and I go to school. Taco is very eager to learn and he can already sit, down, and stay! We continue to work with him to become better at these current commands and expand his tricks.
Taco has been an amazing pup and has adapted very well to our household. Thank you so much for the all around positive experience and we will keep in touch as Taco grows!

Good Evening Janelle,I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the pup! She’s amazing and is already fitting in so nicely with our family. She is so smart! The first day we brought her home she learned her name, how to go up stairs, how to let us know she needed to go outside and how to fetch! She is perfect! I have passed out your card to a few people looking for goldens and highly recommended you to them!
Thank you again

I wanted to thank you so much for allowing us to adopt one of your puppies. Your facilities are amazing, clean, and welcoming. Your kindness and response to my questions or concerns have always been answered and encouraged. We thank you very much for our golden she is a perfect fit to our family.

Hi Janelle,
Lynden is healthy and is growing like a weed. She is very calm and loving. Training has been a breeze. Lynden comes to work with me everyday at our resort. Crate training and housebreaking only took a few weeks. I’m very happy with her. The travel from Linden AB to Vancouver Island BC was well worth it. According to my veterinarian she has all the features of a perfect golden!
I’m sending her to puppy school for a week in Victoria next month.

Hi JanelleCharlie is doing great! He has been a joy so far, he was a bit of a shock to our system at first but he has settled in well to our little family.
We are very satisfied with our pup and we have nothing but good things to say about you! Charlie has adapted well to our lifestyle and he is a great fit for us!
Teo is doing really good, he is healthy and very strong dog. He is so smart, very calm and very respectful with people and other dogs. His energy is like your dog Bwana. In couple words we feel blessed having Teo in our lives.
Please, say hi your husband I will always be grateful for all his help.
Best regards,